I've been practicing for 26 years and I've, literally, seen thousands of clients over the years and so many of them have back pain or hip/butt pain. Age doesn't matter! Do you know what else, surprisingly, is not related to age all of the time? Leaking urine...I've had 10 year olds in my clinic for leaking, I've had 16 year old twirlers, gymnasts, runners in my clinic for leaking. Of course, I've had the new moms and the pregnant moms in the clinic for leaking along with the 70 year olds. We are taught to believe that once you have babies, you just have to accept that you're going to pee yourself if you sneeze, laugh, run, jump on a trampoline, but obviously. all of the young kids I've had in my clinic with leaking don't fall into that category. And do you know what I did for SOOOO many years? I ignored the muscles of the pelvic floor. I just thought a PT who specializes in women's health would take care of "that" issue. I'm sorry I did a disservice to so many clients by not understanding the connection of the pelvis with the back, our breathing, and EVERY SINGLE THING WE DO IN OUR DAY!! Do you know you can't even think about lifting your arm or leg without the pelvic muscles engaging and preparing to support you before you even start to do anything, Isn't that amazing! The muscles of the pelvic floor are just like any other muscle of the body. They are just like the quads, the biceps, the hamstrings. They have to be trained to work hard and they have to be trained to relax. Doing "kegals at the red lights" IS NOT going to fix the problem you may have with your pelvic floor! BUT, I can help you with these problems...maybe it's not leaking, but you have constipation, painful sex, diastasis recti from your pregnancy. Are you just not feeling stable and supported in your pelvis and back area? You don't have to feel like that! I get it, as a wife and mother, you put yourself behind everyone else and everything else that needs to be done and that list of things that need to be done are so unending and so overwhelming. You just think if you can get through the baby phase then you can focus on your health... or the toddler phase...then it's when they start school...once they start driving...once they graduate high school and they're off to college... There is ALWAYS going to be something that is going to feel more important than taking care of issues you've had for years, but YOU WILL FEEL SO MUCH BETTER, STRONGER, CONFIDENT, AND HEALTHIER IF YOU CHOOSE NOW TO TAKE CARE OF YOU! Check out my website (www.ptliveit.com) to learn more and download a FREE Guide to help you get started. Go to the top of the page and click on Physical Therapy then click on Leaking with Running/Crossfit. TIP OF THE WEEK: "Blow before you Go" Before you lift a heavy weight, before you squat, before you roll over in the bed, before you get up from sitting, before you do anything that normally causes you pain or to leak, do it on the EXHALE! Don't hold your breath out of protection. The core muscles, pelvic floor muscles, and the deep back muscles turn on to help support and stabilize on the exhale! Crazy, isn't it. TRY IT and let me know what you think!
Dr. Tess Vaughn
I work with men and women who want to continue to run, CrossFit, exercise and stay active with success and confidence and without limitations or fear of making things worse. Our bodies are made to MOVE and I want you to keep moving! Archives
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